Thursday, May 18, 2017

Season 2 Part 4

That's right I actually am going to try and finish this!

This is a massive chapter so prepare yourselves. It's also a bit disjointed because it's been about two months since I've touched this family.

But otherwise enjoy the baby madness!

Lily runs into married guy again but he scampers off before she can get his 'donation'.

I downloaded the vampire expansion and although I haven't played with it much I'm excited to start!

This guy is kind of the stereotypical Hollywood vampire. Wouldn't hurt to get those genes would it?

Pocahontas was heiress for a very short time last chapter before Cinderella was born. She is also baby 12 out of 25 which is just about halfway there. 

Don't worry Lily makes some headway on those numbers this chapter :D

Starting with married dude here.

Get it girl!

This is *checks notes* Belle! This is going to confuse the hell out of me.

Oh and it's time for Cinderella, the current heiress, to be toddlerfied.

Just to the right you can see toddler Todd.

There she is! Don't worry she got a change of clothes super quick.

This is Robin and he is eating leftover birthday cake (a staple of 100 baby challenges). 

The lit birthday cake is not for him however.

It's for Todd!

Happy Birthday!

And I apparently didn't get a kid picture of Todd. Sorry guys.

But you get to see child Merlin (the red head), Robin, and Belle. Tf Belle did you set a FIRE?!

Belle: "Merlin's the wizard! He did it!"

Damn it Belle!

Lily to the rescue!

Lily: "You didn't set the fire did you?"

Merlin: "MOM! This is some anti-wizard prejudice if I've ever heard!"

Don't mind the muggles Merlin.

Time for baby #14 for Lily. (Or 39 if you are counting the challenge as a whole)

It's a girl!

Our new heiress is named Alice, from Alice in Wonderland!

She is also kind of named after the Alice that got taken away by social services in Season 1.

Lily needs some backup sperm donors so I sent her to a dance club. Lol the Count is the bartender XD

He's a handsome fellow!

Lily agrees and some fun was had in the closet.

Back at home Belle is growing up!

She's pretty! Now go change clothes.

Not just Belle's birthday though!

Pocahontas also grows up. She's a cutie patootie too!

Hahaha Cinderella is not impressed with Robin.

Babies are useless.

Here is Alice all grown up into toddlerhood!

And the family moved. The house was running really slowly so I decided to build them one from the ground up.

Here it is top down. There is a master bedroom, a nursery, a bathroom (in hindsight I should've added like three more but she ran out of money), and four bedrooms that each hold two kid beds. 

Should be fun!

I forgot how funny Alice's toddler outfit was XD

I tried to make it super trippy!

I know I say this a lot but Lily is a really excellent mother.

She is still seeing the Bartender from San Myushino on the side. I'm also positive he is an alien so I don't understand why her baby didn't come out as one in the last chapter >:(

Oh well we'll make do with the donors we have.

These bushes are convenient af to be honest.

She can't get pregnant right now because the house is full but at least this guy is all prepped for it XD

This girl isn't one of Lily's kids but she comes home from school with the kids so often that she might as well be considered one.

It's Merlin's birthday!

And Cinderella's!

She is very excited let me assure you!

Also very cute <3

Belle saves the day this time.

Merlin wants to be a Body Builder so he starts working on it. Belle is unimpressed.

I just can't tear Lily away from workout equipment!!

Pocahontas needs to play on the playground thingy for her kid aspiration so she went to the park. She seems annoyed that the nerd behind her won't leave her alone. 

Don't be rude Pocahontas! 

Another birthday?

Yes ma'am!

Happy Birthday Alice!

And Robin!

I gave Lily another makeover. Change is good sometimes no?

She also tries her luck with the hunky/metrosexual vamp but..

..his wife did not approve. I did try fairly hard but it was super awkward because not only was the wife in the room, but his sister and his toddler were too.

Lily ran home.

Belle had a makeover as well as makes some headway into her aspiration, which is Nerd Brain. 

You know how this goes.

Happy Birthday Todd!

Time for some life replenishment. Bottoms up!

Belle is doing homework in the most uncomfortable position I can think of.

Family meal?

Lily, Todd, Belle, and (Alice?) in attendence.

Robin hasn't been shown in a bit. Hi Robin!

All these sims are addicted to those stupid workout machines! Can't wait for Merlin to finish his aspiration so I can get rid of them.

Lily is learning vampire lore and Robin is reading a children's novel. Varied interests are good I suppose.

Birthdays birthdays everywhere!

Happy Birthday Pocahontas! She's bloody gorgeous!

Todd is quite terrible at the violin. Belle is an actual saint for listening to him play!

Both of these boys grew up super chunky. Now look at them! Goodness gracious.

Pretty attractive sims I must say.

This guy wandered by the lot and Lily decided to have some fun.

Fun fun fun fun

Safe travels Belle! She grew up and moved out as soon as she came back. Hopefully MC commander does good things with her.

Merlin is now a young adult (yet another important picture I've missed) and since he's finished his aspiration of Body Builder I rolled another one for him. It was Big Happy Family.

I made this sim just for him!

Don't recall her name though. Emma maybe? Oh well.

They got along great!

He moved in with her in the house directly across from Lily's. They had several children last I remember.

Speaking of children...

Yup! With two kids moved out Lily's womb is back is business!

She tells the dad the good news. He seems pretty pleased.

There is literally no reason for this picture except to show how pretty Pocahontas is. I'm tempted to have her stay in the house for the next generation.

Skip two days I guess?! Like I said in the beginning of the chapter this was taken a VERY long time ago. 

I do apologize for the time skips!

But I am excited to say welcome to the family our newest heiress Esmeralda!

Lily had built up quite the collection of fireworks in her inventory so she had a little fireworks festival in her yard.

Cinderella is growing up!

Lord you look serious.

I normally wouldn't mention this because with the amount of kids it just saves time, but her LTW is to be a public enemy and I just XD!!!!!!

I love makeovers <3

Esmeralda is getting bigger too!

Too bad she didn't inherit her dad's coloring. But she's as cute as every other toddler has been!

Lily has some room in the womb so she get crackin' on the alien she met that afternoon!


And it's Robin's turn to grow into a young adult.

I'll miss you buddy!

Lily got to know this cutie a little better.

What's with the mean looks?!

Anyways Happy Birthday Alice!

I had the perfect outfit for her :D

Esmeralda is a wild child!

Time for that alien baby I've been wanting!

Oh thank god it's a boy! Otherwise the name wouldn't of worked!

His name is Stitch! After Lilo & Stitch!

With Robin moving out we have another spot open in the household.

She is pregnant she it's just become old hat for her I guess.

Aww what a cute picture!

Happy Birthday Todd!

Yet another one moved out!

Stitch grew up!

He's so cute!

Lily tried to go on an outing with her long time love interest, the bartender. But she was really uncomfortable the whole time so she went back home.

These girls are always grouchy for some reason. Well Cinderella wants to be a Public Enemy so that's not too surprising but Pocahontas and Alice? They have no excuse!

Gotta love these birthdays.

This time it's Esmeralda's.

What's with that flippin' braid every time?

Lily has quite had it with these babies. Don't worry Lily after this one you only have to have 8 more!

Lily: "Are you f***in' kidding me?"

Well it's the last one for this chapter at least!

Welcome another little boy Alladin! He is technically baby #42/100 for this challenge but he is Lily's 17th child which means she only needs 8 more! Then she can retire in peace.

That's it for this chapter! Sorry it was so very long!

Thanks for reading and Happy Simming!