Sunday, January 3, 2016

Season 1 Part 4

Although this challenge was, at first, a way to relieve my boredom in between playing my main legacy Locke Takes on the Alphabet, I find myself growing more and more addicted to this family. Which is why this chapter is being uploaded right now.

So last time Gaea was pregnant but for some reason when I came back into the game this little tyke was born. His name is Cedric.

Today is Molly's last day as a teen and I am sad. She is totally awesome.

Luna is also awesome.

In preparation of Molly leaving Gaea targets the next baby daddy.

Cedric is super adorable.

Laters Molly! 

P.S. If any of you guys want any of these children in your neighborhood let me know and I will upload them to the gallery. If you have question about their traits just message me at and I will let you know.

Moving on.

Baby #16 is on the way! Less than ten to go you guys!

Luna- We should move in with Molly when we grow up! 

Millie- That's the least insane thing you've ever suggested!

Luna does indeed join Molly in the 'unplayed' sims bin, but not for a couple of days. I wanted her to stick around just a little longer.

Mostly because Gaea just can't take care of all the kids alone. Millicent, as awesome as she is, just isn't much of a homemaker.

And there is another baby on the way.

Welcome Aberforth! (That's how you spell it right?)

And it's time for the twins to age up!

Bellatrix is amazingly gorgeous.

Narcissa is too! Although you couldn't tell with that scowl :(

Alright I have to say it. Bellatrix looks almost exactly like Selena Gomez. Tell me I'm wrong.

This may have looked easy, but this guy was the most difficult to win over yet. It took like two days of constant 'compliment appearance' before the pink bar was high enough to attempt the kiss. Jeez.

Worth it? I think so!

Cedric has the Social Butterfly aspiration. Most of the time the kids complete it, because I'm amazing like that.

And here is the only picture you'll see of Aberforth as a child. I suck.

Millie grows up!

Oh wait there's Aberforth! Hiding behind the confetti!

Barty is now a teen. 

Aww yeah baby #17!

Sybill! After Sybill Trelawney!

I'm really excited to see if this baby gets the green hair. You guys have no idea.

Selena. Gomez.

So I've had the ice-cream maker for a while, but I've never used it. This is the planty one.

I see!

Sybill's birthday rolls around quick enough!

I think she's adorable! <3

Cedric is one fine teen.

Baby #18 is born and is named Godric!

I'm sorry if the commentary is bland, but this was supposed to be more proof that I did the challenge rather than a 'comedy' type thing.

That however, made me laugh really hard.

Aww. Sybill's daddy wanted to come visit, that's so precious!

HELL YEAH! Green hair in the HOUSE!

Bellatrix and Narcissa are now adults and have moved out.

I'll end the chapter here and remind readers that after Gaea has her 25th baby she is no longer the baby-maker. That passes on to her youngest female child who will start the next round of 25. At the moment Sybill is the heiress, but with seven more kids I highly doubt that she'll remain the youngest female. I'm thinking Pokemon as the next naming theme, what do you guys think?

Anyways, Happy Simming!


  1. Yay, green hair! It makes such a change after ALL THE RED.

    I'm very much enjoying the show of birthday cakes in the game, haven't had a chef yet, so seeing all the gourmet cakes is great fun.

    1. Yeah, I didn't mention this in the legacy (I really should have), but Gaea actually maxed out five skills during her time as Queen Bee Supreme. Handiness, Cooking, Gourmet Cooking, Gardening, and Charisma. It was pretty impressive.
